SFOL 53 - Spectator Chat

Time to not speak about that.

That was because this shit happened


Opinion!=Fact. This happened before in Moleā€™s game and he was yet another one of the original FoL balancers before Marl left alongside Eevee, I, Marl, Ashe, Alfa, Jazz, and Ici.

I get
Thatā€™s why we make balance decisions

And remove bullshit
And add better shit

But even then if one of ur hosts didnt know. Why didnt you check that. Like the hosts are supposed to check each other work. Like if prince jailing himself is bastard then king getting someone redirected to is just as

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aside from the macho you did basically list two roles with a simmilar power level, though
Prince lays people bare in a way that makes them unbelievably easy to read, can bypass anything, and while itā€™s not as clear-cut as a cop it has the insnaely powerful ability of always roleblocking and absolutely protecting anybody

basically theyā€™re the same thing

Also the same thing happened in SFoL29 where Livicus had his wolf redirected to himself because of Dark Rune despite being redirection immune.

Redirection immunity does not work against day actions.

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We knew the source exists, and decided to not use it, since it was not official.

And see the difference here

That Cop was designed to be stronger for the purposes of a TT game
And itā€™s only slightly better than prince because it is also half doctor that can be used at the same time

It was official

It was not findable through this forum. Aka not official.

Obviously all of my scumbuds are in my towncore because thatā€™s how I roll.

Vulgard in the Mystic link. Am I the only one who absolutely hates it when villagers do this?

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That doesnt mean squat, if u asked for it. Or asked one of the people who ran the balance u could have easily had it. They balanced the game they made the thing. It was official as it gets

idk as somebody whoā€™s definitely a wolf and has a lot of wolves in their village core I kinda disagree

This game is a trainwreck

Was that the same game where you argued that bleeding shouldnā€™t bypass deathimmunity?

Bleed immunity and death immunity are two different things, though.

Yes but that was due to a misunderstanding on my part. Iā€™m human ur human we all make mistakes. Im just not happy with you saying this game is bastard when it isnt and if it is to you the king redirect was just as bastard imo

The difference is: I admitted to that it is possible. Aka non bastard. I didnā€™t lie about my setup.

When did Alice lie?

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