SFOL 53 - Spectator Chat

15p’er Marson.

I’m not kidding.


Town Friendly Neighbor
Town Desperado
Town Bomb
Vanilla Town x7

Mafia 1-shot BP
Mafia Roleblocker
Mafia Neapolitan

Mountainous Arson is the one true setup


1-shot BP works on both Bomb and Desperado
Desperado works during the night

I call it the most Alice friendly setup possible

all other FM setups are for dumb stupid babies compared to Marson

Nobody would join though unless you…

Disguised it as a closed setup


if we get away with this we win the forum

Then people just won’t play it because they rolled VT. It’s why I don’t put VTs in my setups.

Maybe we need to just hype up the setup with great flavour

But they don’t know they are VT
They think they are

Mr. Bones

Town Neighborizer


or that
That would probably work better

Ugh. Wazza and Centuries both just outed.

This game’s starting to get toxic af.

Frankly I kind of just want to give up here. This shit never happens in MU and people don’t take everything personally.

The question is, how can we make any flavour that’s better than this:


Day 4 Flavor


Noted Philadelphia 76ers player Ben Simmons has become locally famous for his on-again, off-again relationship with Kendall Jenner. Currently they appear to be in the “on” phase, with local tabloids reporting on the couple’s exploits in their pursuit of mutual romance around the city that Simmons works in.


Example 1: Submitted to the court for evidence, the following Jezebel article:


Choice excerpt:


And yet Kendall Jenner—literal almost-billionaire—went to a Drexel basketball game with Ben Simmons. The defending national champions were playing two blocks away at the same time. Today they’re skating at the Dilworth Park ice rink. It’s astounding. It rules. Kendall Jenner is living the Philadelphia dating experience. She’s going bowling and to random $#@!ty college basketball games and to the supermarket. There is no way this isn’t real. True love, and real celebrity relationships, exist. I just needed Bendall to show me the light.

Also featured in the article that I didn’t quote: The “Drexel” basketball game in question. Some background: Philadelphia has five (really 3, really 1) college basketball teams that people care about. Drexel is the sixth. Nobody gives a $#@! about them, not even their rivals. And yet Ben Simmons’s - again, a professional basketball star dating a Kardashian - idea of a date is to take her to a Drexel game. Also featured in the activities they did together are ice skating (fun), bowling (depends on how drunk you are), and going to the supermarket (lolno).



Quote Originally Posted by Phighter on November 30, 2018, 07:42:17 PM (#3694)

So I called that girl I went on a date with last night

and then sissied out on leaving a voicemail

and now will live in an existential pile of dread for about three hours until after work when I’m thinking about texting

Information Piece #1: It was an evening date. This is good. Evening dates are better. More romantic.


Quote Originally Posted by Phighter on November 30, 2018, 07:51:31 PM (#3702)

Quote Originally Posted by Phighter on November 30, 2018, 07:42:17 PM (#3694)

So I called that girl I went on a date with last night

and then sissied out on leaving a voicemail

and now will live in an existential pile of dread for about three hours until after work when I’m thinking about texting

can someone give me advice on this

the date went really well

we read fortune cookies that said “pursue your wishes aggressively”


Information Piece #2: Fortune cookies. Presumably, they ate at a Chinese restaurant or some other sort of Asian fusion type deal. This is very good! There are a $#@!load of good Chinese restaurants in Philadelphia, both in and out of Chinatown, some of them incredibly high-quality. In addition, the fortune cookie was very favorable towards Phighter. If he set it up, all the better. You don’t get that sort of thing when you’re bowling.


Quote Originally Posted by Phighter on November 29, 2018, 10:25:00 PM (#2720)

Waiting for my Uber rooting for Cemetaries

Not how i thought this day would go


Information Piece #3 : Phighter took an uber to wherever he was going. This is also good! It means he didn’t just take her out to the local hole in the wall Chinese joint. It was a destination date! Exciting! Now, granted, technically Ben Simmons taking Kendall Jenner to a Drexel basketball game is also a destination date, but I’ll take Chinese food over $#@!ty college basketball 10 times out of 10.


Quote Originally Posted by Phighter on December 1, 2018, 11:47:02 PM (#5379)

I can’t tell you how much of this is fueled by that the girl texted me back yesterday but hasn’t texted me in over 24 hours

I think it factors in

But honestly too

Like $#@! this lack of cohesion

You guys can’t even agree on a mislynch ffs

Information Piece #4 : The ambiguity with the post-date communication. Ok this is a bit of a stretch, but Phighter’s operating at a severe disadvantage here due to the fact that he is not a millionaire basketball star and is, in fact, a recent college graduate with little money to speak of. So, factoring in degree of difficulty, he scores massive, massive points here just from getting an initial text back even if it was never followed up on. $#@!'s hard out there yo.

CONCLUSION: Phighter has more game than 76ers star Ben Simmons

also Cemeteries was a wolf

like ever

Like, I flipped out in those two ganes because Isaac and EG just kept trolling rather than playing the game.

Here it’s basically Maxwell and Wazza outing because people pushed on them.

I will play the fuck out of this game if it has this god tier flavor

You mortals will see now the true power of Geyde on WiM

alright but I will need somebody else to do the votecounts because I don’t have much time aside from SoD and EoD.

i’ll at least try to write good flavour okay

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