SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2 (16/18) D2 | CANNED

I mean, I haven’t been paying attention so I would have to read the thread.

Luxy might have something to do with it in the forum.

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Hi @Simon if ur making a wall please hide the details so when you reply to thirty posts and im cheecking replies on posts later I dont have to scroll down two miles to see the next reply



wow its almost like self meta isnt a reliable source for a read

thats an interesting word choice there, “added”
some kind of neighborizer?

technically hja’s thing is that he has one less vote on him than he otherwise would have, while yours said it means you need 1 more vote to be lynched, implying that votes on you would have acted normally, but you would just need to reach 9 votes right now
its possible it would have worked the same way, impllying a similar cause for both, but its just as likely that they would have worked differently

what do you mean the faction is different?

its just 4 this time your fine

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ok its a mini wall that should be fine

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I asked Geyde.
My votecount would have been -1

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Poisoned claims Blue Dragon.

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I disagree

i mean i work off information i have
yeah that makes sense
but based off what i had it was just as likely for either

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Both seem to be the loved effect, which just means they either start at -1 or have 1 more to hit majority

Oh no, we’re back to this.

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logically, it just straight up isnt, in almost all circumstances
because one something is acknowledged by the person themselves, it means they knew of it at the time in which the meta is being cited
therefore the meta could have been faked

No because not all meta can be faked

Every game where this same argument happens flashbacks

@Arete how u been i want a spicy read how bout u deliver

you can disagree if you want, you dont have to go by traditional logic
(that isnt like a dig at you, i can see how it looks that way)
but by traditional logic this is true. i dont think its really something debatable.

almost all can. hence the almost all in what i said

My self meta works

okay, what i said stands unchanged.
one example contradicting what normally happens doesnt mean that that isnt what normally happens

I am proving mine not all