SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2 (16/18) D2 | CANNED

does everyone have hammers?

oh wait lol i do too

I assume so?

I would be wary of people who hammer townies

@KyoDaz whats your case on DatBird?

God I want to ask what peoples hammers do, but its bad to do with claimvig

Is it day or night vig

Idk all I know is that they get bonuses to their abilities if they know ur claims, technically idk if its a vig, but if its anything like the syndicate its on the same or higher power as a vig, its just claim vig is the easiest name for that kind of role. JUST DONT CLAIM

Oh hey Boss what did you get from me?

hes dead

oh wait they can speak

He can still post like Kyo tho

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Hello all. I’ve been extremely busy with school and marching band the last few days. I’ll be here for an hour and a half at most now but after that I won’t be online until later tomorrow. Tomorrow I will have a lot more time to contribute here.

I don’t interact with lazy and overused reaction tests.

I suck at detecting sarcasm but this is pretty obvious. Yes I’ve been a really low poster; the 24 hour day 1 caught me off guard and I’ve been extremely busy. Let me know if anyone wants something from me within the next hour and a half, but if not, I’ll be back to ISO and analyze sometime tomorrow.

Big Instrument? I know the struggle

Well if its anything like squids we know it

Not that big (alto)
marching band is just a huge time commitment at my uni

No @Boss110 come back you’re allowed to speak

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My case on DatBird is the same as Blizer as it’s the same slot and his Arete read is atrocious

Ahh, well I have to march with a Euphonium so, that was fun.

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Maxwell do you know why there would be two kings? and do you have to hammer a non BD as well?

How? I thought it had some valid points