SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2 (16/18) D2 | CANNED

also i have a wall post response queued up. day ended as i was writing it

your town. you being less likely to be lynched means less chance of a mislynch

Or myself of course pulling FPS tactics needing to dodge lynches.
My prosecutor fake claim was brilliant as well. I completely forgot about the - vote.
That would go with my ‘vote’ aspect of the fakeclaim.


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Oh how lovely.
Anybody got any resurrection spells per-chance?

It’s mainly a scum ability.
Town should never need to use it, really.

i mean yeah. but like assuming someones scum cause of an ability like that is exactly what people shouldnt be doing
and yes you shouldnt need to use it, but i dont see how it would hurt town to have a town not be lynched where they otherwise would be

Here's that wall response i was talking about

at that time you had not yet said anything about overturning. so no that cannot be true. unless you’re scum-mates and he already knew you were planning on saying that?

this isnt something either of us can be wrong on. its my word against yours. you could be telling the truth and that would be accurate, but you could just as easily be lying and i could be correct. there is no way for the town at large to know, so neither of us is explicitly wrong on that

it was mostly for assuming based off other things. i agree with you that geyde doesnt use bastard to lie to us. so, apparently him not using bastard to lie to us definitely means he cannot include a scum version of that role? that does not correlate. just because he does not do one thing doesn’t mean he does not do a different thing.

okay? i didnt comment on whether or not you were minsinformed. you wouldnt be misinforming us, but whether or not you had incorrect information was not something i was commenting on.

i just dont see how you telling him what he had previously said about you directly correlates to that in a way that what i said does not refer to. you just said what you were talking about. i was asking why you felt the need to point it out, not what you were pointing out.

i only know that theory. ive never quite been able to wrap my head around people actually using that information.

specific? no, its a closed setup, regardless of it being ultimate pick. but it could pick out power roles in general

why, its an ultimate pick so the network of reactions thing doesnt work at all? how does that make sense. reactions give slight reads. slight. as in, unreliable, not significant evidence reads. but those reads make better reads. its why i dont understand mountainous. like why does anyone talk about anything, where do you get initial reads from? it doesnt make sense to me.

Accused Voters Votes
H_Hja -1/9

DatBird has replaced in for Blizer

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It doesn’t really hurt town, it’s just should be obsolete on town.
And therefore useless.
And therefore my role is less powerful.

Oh how lovely, Hja has a relatively same passive as me.

Hello hello havent read shit will do so now

yeah, less powerful
disagree on the specific word useless (i prefer 'its use is negligible)
can we just agree to disagree on this? i feel we’re not going to get anywhere debating it

sorry if i sound kinda angry in this btw. ive sorta mellowed out from the whole thing over the night and like i said i was writing it about when you posted, mid-debate

I am back


Hello Hja.
Are you My Little Pony themed?

hja did you do this

kyo, now that your dead, what was your special mechanic?

Moderror last night.

Roles will be adjusted as a counterbalance.


as in, not feedback?