SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2 (16/18) D2 | CANNED


Hja why are you not confirmed town?

Of course it isn’t a scumslip.
They’d know different factions if they were scum as well.

I am conf town

yeah but why, your normal tendencies aren’t showing

I don’t have to complete both objectives and I do have a double vote. I can also send a player on Grand Trial, but I don’t know if that’ll give me hammer

I am conf town because of my meta
my normal tendencies are showing

well no thats not how GT works… SO squid do you know anything about Maxwell?

not really…
/vote Hja

how are they not showing

no agrressiveness, you are being very passive, plus you aint hyperposting.I just joined tthis game nd am 5 well now four away from your posts in this thread at least

because I was deleted from the game D1
I am agressive when I have energy

Nope. Not a clue :woman_shrugging:
I can read his ISO to see if I’ll find something

Well heres some energy go buck wild find me a scum

also you gladiated if that mechanic is in

I think its like one post but sure go for it

sure if you grant me energy somehow

What? Im not following

I put in mechanic that makes you gladiate first person you vote

here ya go