SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2 (16/18) D2 | CANNED

That’s a shame

Anyways I can ask about mechanics every night, but can never get a correct answer. We should all think about what is most important to know

I see What you think
Not yet

Ask if the host is lying to you.

One time “Town” is still hostile to Blue Dragon, filthy peasants

They are that’s part of the ability lmao

kyo that might short circuit it like your role in clown fm

Anyways back to work

is what i think on the mark though

Derp, it’s literally an impossible question to answer.
Ask Geyde whether or not he’s lying. If he’s required to give a yes or a no see the output.

Nevermind it isn’t an impossible question to answer.
What would be is ‘Are you lying to me with the answer to this question?’

If he says yes, he wouldn’t be lying and therefore breaks the ability
If he says no, he wouldn’t be lying and therefore breaks the ability

WazzaAzza has replaced in for Marshal

(Will you answer no to this question?)


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Gooood evening fellow targeted gamers.
Plus Kai_5 and Obamas.

where have u been

Correct, I was dreaming god in Ultimate Pick 1 once.

I mean he could probably just give an unrelated answer

I thought he was required to give Yes or No?

@Simon have u decided a non null allignment for Hja yet?