SFoL 55 - Dead Chat

Shurian is the only BD that does.

If Derps HHed Marshal N1, I wouldnā€™t have been converted. Oop

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shuri only shot squid on the basis of squid being MM. Which was impossible for many reasons and wouldn;t have worked anyways.

I think only arete and solic deserve the win.

Blue is a maybe.

oh also soulshade.

Did I play well as scum? :eyes:

You did.
Iā€™m surprised with Shurianā€™s shot on you.

oh you played great.

you got some juicy myslynches and got read pretty well. And then you were killed because of classic town right-for-the-wrong-reasons

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shurians shot was a shot that should never have happened.

Oh jesus, there is the possibility BlueStorm was jailed.

nah, dat was for sure

Nope, Dat was jailed


Waitā€¦ @PoisonedSquid when were you converted?

night 1.

because you said youā€™d check her lmao.

I knew youā€™d be converting her for that if you were mastermind.
Damn. I should have went with my scout + invest strategy.

I didnā€™t bear N1 because I didnā€™t think anyone would want to attack or convert me N1ā€¦ Plus, I wanted to save my bears in case I needed to bleed someone

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booooo dat is being quicklynched.

town does not deserve this, neither does blue.
Fucking neuts carried BD this game, and BD had all of the power anyways.

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town: way more confirmable via feedback etc.

town: misexe priestess, myslynch kyo the basically IC, have 4 extra votes because of neuts, and get the right shot on squid for the wrong reasons.

This game was basically 13v2v1 to start. and iā€™m not happy about it.


Someone understands old meta.

Can I get advice on how to sleep please?

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