SFoL 55 - Dead Chat

Uhhh Squiddie is Poacher > Assassin now then

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Not really a specific class.

Just someone who could be bled

by our poacher

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It made sense from a hunter perspective and frames you hard from a town perspective.

That + my lolcat ā€œscumslipā€ was pretty incriminating.

Solic: claims Merc
Priestess: LIAR

Squid being green checked was the convert reason

Still, if the prince would have been someone more experienced, he wouldnā€™t have jailed me
But Iā€™d have been bled out N3 I donā€™t think there is any healer in this game? And my attackimmunity isnā€™t helping
Also the heck, Solic is really pushing on the wrong people

Both neuts are hard siding BD and I want to die.

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Actually, heā€™s pushing on all the right people.

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Wait, Solic is neut for real? :eyes:

Yeah lol

Thatā€™s the most aggressive ā€œmercā€ Iā€™ve ever seen

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Itā€™s basically 13 BD 2 unseen 1 NK setup with these neuts >:(

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Shhh you have a good chance still, there were a lot of good deaths til now (for you)

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Itā€™s being changed rn, weā€™re making it a lot more fair.

Yeah if we focus NK and dat somehow donā€™t get jailed then we good.

Hey, but I think my ā€œtowncore stratā€ is working out

Locktown: Kyodaz, Arete, Magnus, Solic, BlueStorm, Soul, Vulgard, Teleology. I asked Prince to exe me since I was in the PoE. Guys, DONT PUSH ON LOCKTOWNS. Just keep calm and get all suspicious people killed, one by one by one.

(and yes, I asked for getting exed in jail for real, smh Priestess)



3/7 arenā€™t even town.
1/7 is dead.