SFoL 55: Unseen Chat

im about to claim the demon and explain how three people died last night with a pyre

Oh boy :popcorn:

I still donā€™t know what my class date is though

hit tele with that bleed if u can

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get rekted nk. this is what u get for bussing

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God im salty af right now, do I write logs saying look at my night abilities and tell me I visited Vul last night

I have absolutely no idea right now, maybe

I donā€™t know why an NK would write logs though

Like my flip aint changing cause im worst MM in the west

so like Tele is obviously a fake BD and it angers me

Donā€™t worry, either we can flip Tele or mention in your logs on what you did N2 to prove her wrong

Its like pretty obvious since my only night action is convert. and we either had 1 N1 or Vul would have flipped unseen on death

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is that gamethrowing if we tell bd who the nk is?

If we out ourselves while doing it, yes. However, if we do it without outing ourselves, then no

Logs: If I visited Vul why isnt he converted when he died?

doesnt reveal you, but only would show on my death

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Logs in your Classcard only.

Otherwise I will miss them, thanks.

yeah im just sending it here to see if that seems fine

Plus, if you die, then people would realize thereā€™s still an Assassin left which would make Teleā€™s claim fall deeper into the rabbit hole

Okay, so PKR is most likely the Prince. And based on his actions, I donā€™t think he would jail youā€¦ No offense to PKR. Now we have a couple of options.

  1. If he doesnā€™t jail you, you can convert someone while I can kill PKR
  2. If he does jail you, I can just kill PKR and hope nobody will protect him

If you want me to attack someone else tonight, let me know

Me when Magnus outs that Solicā€™s his Merc: