SFoL 56 - Cult 2.0 Chat

You don’t have an occ

redirect waz into waz

No lmao you can’t do that

@Emilia you have to redirect him into someone not themselves

[Day] Product Tracking: Learn who your target of sell drink last night gives the drink to tonight at the end of the night (2 use)

will this say who I gave drink to not who i redirected them to

wait no it wont show even that cuz redirect thing is called discounted not sell drink
@SirDerpsAlot correct?

That is in fact correct

Detect Lies (Night) - Each Night the Lie Detector sends a post or statement made by another player, and the Moderator tells the Lie Detector whether that other player was telling the truth when they made that post . Trying to use this ability on something that cannot be verified objectively (i.e. whether someone was telling the truth when they said that a wall of text was a waste of time) the moderator will likely just say “I don’t know”.

will this give results at end of the night?

It will give results at the end of the night

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/redirect waz jake


Thanks I had missed that one

@Insanity Simon was targeted with an ability they are special/invest

/circle of war waz

Em, so did Simon join us?

And wth is this quickhammer.

You’ve been lynched please don’t talk here

I swear to god, Simon just threw since we converted him. Screw off, NK

what did you do N2

I incarcerated Jake