SFoL 56 - Dead chat


i guess all 3 neutrals couldnā€™t win


Sup Teleo.

I couldnā€™t win anyway and my integrity was terrible throughout the day so I just admitted to failing my post restrictions

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Isaac had a green check on Vul btw

So he threw?

please donā€™t remind me of the isaac vs vulgard situation

He misread, apparently.

Not sure, itā€™s possible he canā€™t read

I just feel so awful like I wanna cry irl and also my phone is at 5% and this will be my last FM game but survivor will be my last thing on forums because Iā€™m gonna be true to my word

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@Teleology Why.

you will come back eventually. We all end up doing that.

You couldā€™ve won, you know.

ily tele

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Weā€™ll miss you when youā€™re gone.

Because I performed terribly like TERRIBLE. None of my reads were correct and I said if Iā€™m that bad of a player that Vulgard is actually BD then I will not play anymore

Like, Iā€™m not going to get annoyed. The situation seems extremely unwinnable.

But thereā€™s always a chance:

  • Youā€™re death immune

D: donā€™t leave us tele :frowning:

itā€™s 2 neutrals, a NK (with double votes) and 2 cult

tele didnā€™t have voting power

she physically couldnā€™t have won the game unless the neutrals decided to fuck everybody over

Thatā€™s not your fault thatā€™s isaacs fault