SFoL 56 - Dead chat

Don’t you dare just leave because you made one read mistake.

That’s more stupid than me promising not to play any more games with Priestess.

You couldn’t have known Isaac misread, it’s not your fault.

I made mistakes the entire game

Technically if the other group scum gets on before Luxy I’ll win.
Sorry that you aren’t katze

Tele everyone makes mistakes

I gave everyone the post restrictions instead of guarding Boss

And I am a mistake, but I’m still here.

Tele that was a dreaming god situation you had no idea what they did

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isaac vs vulgard being TvT once SDA clarified how his abilities worked was… unexpected to everybody, i think

eh, it’s whatever. i don’t care too much for winning, i was just hoping to have fun

which… i almost did

Tele your fine mistakes are part of it. Like once In fol I misread my result as maid… Twice in a row. Naturally I was lynched that day

Thanks for being sweet but I at least need a break because my last 3 games have been so awful, I haven’t had a good game since CoC

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Still think that’s bs

Take a break then! Also, everyone has bad games every once in a while. Take a break to relax

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And I also said I was gonna quit the last game I played and Italy pointed that out and I don’t like being dishonest

i didn’t help myself either

the second i saw my class and the fact i couldn’t lie i was already unhappy about the game

the events that unfolded didn’t help

i tried making it fun for myself by memeing and such, at least. that was fun, when i felt like i had a bit of control over the thread direction :eyes:

then i died

At least you weren’t a BD with a claimvig you’d lose if you didn’t fakeclaim every day.

honestly i think i’d have preferred that

I mean not to mention gi is a naturally complicated game, even for fol standards

i had to be so careful with what i typed as to be ambiguous to not lie

fakeclaiming daily would be fun

i couldn’t even fakeclaim

I would have much preferred not being allowed to lie, because I never do that as town.