SFoL 56 - Dead chat

It’s not really hard to say ‘Isaac pls claim this class and fake a redcheck on someone d2’

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You could co-host too.


Hosting games is fun being able to read all the chats and make fun of people with spectators

Haha yeah I can imagine.
Also I can shadethrow all I want without being scumread for it.

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If Priestess is town this game I have no idea what she’s doing. She pre-flip associated me with 3 people just because they were defending me and not because they were individually scummy with the exception of Squid.

Her play just flat out doesn’t make sense as town.

Maybe I’m just salty but I really don’t understand this from a town perspective.

I’ll talk about the game with y’all after since deadInteraction

Speaking of dead interaction why is Jake not saying anything here :<

Fuck if I know

I’d finish the setup I’m working on rn so you could co-host it, but queue is a thing :confused:

Very original titles btw “Jgoes is Jgone” “Vulgard is Vulgone”.

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I blame marshal

Priestess is Prone

Roses are red
Violets are blue
If you mislynch Vulgard
FM is not for you

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Glad to see you’re not pulling a Geyde after all.

modkill jake so I can spoil y’all

It’s your fault for rolling me as Not Nekoystic

Anyway, I’m back. Please tell me what the consensus shall be.
