SFoL 56 - Dead chat

It was right when derps posted, so the forum may not have had time to update it yet

That might have been it.

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cult didnt deserve to win when they used their strongman to kill me


publicize this one too nerd

All of the cult 2.0 classes were not originally cult.
Princess Justice and Torturer were unseen, and Harbringer was syndicate.

And thatā€™s why you donā€™t assume what kind of crap the scum faction can do based off their name


re: ā€œthey probably sacrificed simonā€

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Nah I strongmanned you lol
Wasnā€™t taking the chance Arete would side cult 2.0 for Katā€™s sake.

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So if even Simon did get healed by Hja, it wouldnā€™t work and the nightmare kingmaker situation couldnā€™t have been avoidedā€¦ HNNGGGH

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Empowered Brain Destruction bypasses everything.

Too OP. Plz nerf

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I mean Marshal and Derps nerfed Mindstorm in a good way
I wasnā€™t allowed to use mindstorm on a person I had already correctly guessed lol

I totally would have, for the record

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I know you would have. Thatā€™s why I strongmanned Simon.

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I have no loyalty to other neuts as neut unless itā€™s NK tbh

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