[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

as town or mafia, so thats fun

Tell us why Kyo FPS’d and wasted our time

My top scumreads atm besides Insanity and Vulgard:

  1. Katze
  2. Squid
  3. Waz
  4. Priestess
  5. Italy

I trust Arete more than any other neut claim. Semour is just such a baffling class that I don’t see a fake claim of it happening.

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dude how should i know thats just kyo being kyo.
he left me a note but otherwise im in an entirely distinct rolecard

What did the note say

:thinking: Would you like to tell us why that is

Italy is mechanically confirmed

Well then ignore me and put Simon in that place
I’ve missed about 95% of this game and doubt I’ll ever have the time to come even close to catching up.

If you look at Katze’s ISO he immediately was shady of Arete and Priestess after they claimed neut. this is consistent with him being a neut claim.

stuff about the role, which im not saying aloud, for the most part. i can look back on it more but theres not much im willing to say

Still ultimately trust both Arete and Luxy as neut claims more than Katze.

i will say i swear to god i had that information since the end of the night and only just came into the thread to be able to post it

Would you want us to lynch Kat?

i can also confirm katze is indeed what he claims
so theres that

Not today as Vulgard and Insanity are basically both entirely confirmed to be scum
look at my post, it says top scum reads AFTER insanity and vulgard

…when was Insanity confirmed to be scum?

As far as I know they’re just scumread and Luxy wins if we execute them.

the hell do you mean :eyes:

Ah i made a bad assumption because I was following Luxy so blindily

I would say I scumread them but I’ve read basically none of their posts so it would not be good to fake that in this case.

i can confirm from my night stuff that you are that catgirl role (i forget the number)

yes that role is an omnimiller

yes i can still 99% confirm it
(less 1% because grand idea bastard)