[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!


and scum could have an occupier
Why take the chance

a fully guaranteed non-mislynch is always better than a not entirely guaranteed non-mislynch.

Asking a gambler ā€œWhy take the chanceā€

bak /vote vulgard

by the way, isaac isnā€™t confirmed, they could have some secret doom stuff that nukes the entire game if a mislynch takes place

find me a classcard in the GI v2 thread that has anything like this and maybe iā€™d consider the possibility.

do this please

Okay all town vote Vulgard.

He is confirmed scum


I am Seymour Skinner.

now do I need to misdirect you tonight or can you daycheck it?

We canā€™t risk it

I am legally bound to never go back on a promise. Only on alliances so watch your back

also do not watch your back please. that way it makes it easier to stab you in it

Also @Insanity you should probably claim

Italy donā€™t be stubborn, we need to lynch scum. There is soon to be scum majority if we get another mislynch

Tele i cannot go back on a promise. Thatā€™s not who I am

one, that assumes i target you
two, its a secret to everybody

I am a bd invest and i got what was more or less a red check on vulgard

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excellent. thank you