[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Can you promise to tell me whether you’re visiting me tonight, at least, even if you don’t want to clarify your abilities?

what was the point in that

no lol. i want to keep people guessing. know that if i were to target you that while i do primarily have town’s interests in mind, i do like to see neuts win.

I might know what simon is :eyes:

you might. i would like to request that you keep it under as tight of wraps as i have.
control of information is important to me and my playstyle

I see. So you can confirm that Kat is what he says he is

Italy this is what I thought you were

i will say that what you may be thinking right now, some assumption you’ve made is wrong.
its not the first one you would think of either

Kat is fine then. We need to lynch Vulgard and… I asked a question in my class card so that will determine what I want to do

Well nevermind that idea

What’s the VC right now?

gimme a sec

we are in a sort of spyfall situation here. i could attempt to confirm whether or not you know my role, but in doing so i risk letting the town and you (assuming you do not actually know) in on it, and i equally risk being too vague that you dont get it


Just kidding 2/7

Majority is still 8

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Accused Voters Votes
Insanity Luxy, Italy, Jake, Arete 4/8
Vulgard Maxwell, Isaac, Katze 3/8

How is it still 8? Just because the day hasn’t changed?


Because there are 14 players alive who count for majority

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