[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

I already answered why it scummy you switch topic and after that you say I didn’t say why it’s scummy

Uhm, I guess we have the same class if I am right @_@

But then who did you target with your day ability?

I have no idea what she’s doing, honestly. I’m trying to figure out why she’s scumreading me and she’s consistently failing to explain it in a way that makes sense.

If I thought you did, and if I understood it, I wouldn’t be asking the same question multiple times.

Rephrase it for me. Help me understand your perspective.

Why are you scum?

I am not .-.

You said you were unsure about how ability worked
You also said you didn’t fakeclaim because you were afraid it would trigger that ability
You claimed your passive

These don’t make sense together

This claim talk is meaningless and floods the thread.
Can we stop?

literally tho, she cant interact with you if you interact back. her whole tunnel loses steam if you just leave for like half an hour

they didnt claim their passive

  1. That’s true.
  2. That’s also true.
  3. That’s false according to me and the host.

I just woke up and I’m already confused. What’s going on?

You said that your class gets weaker if you claim

hja is tunneling a vulgard that cannot claim, for apparently no reason

yes. and they didnt claim

So Hja is scumreading me because she thinks I claimed my passive?
…And town wouldn’t slip up like that or claim the passive at all?
When asked about it and when they’re being voted?

What the actual fuck is this reasoning. Help me.

Even if Hja was right about the ‘vul claimed his passive’ part, I still have no idea why she thinks only scum would do that.

That’s literally a claim

Stop arguing with what the host said, holy shit.

You said you didn’t fakeclaim cuz you said you were unsure of it

X-Files theme plays
Is Isaac’s red check on Vul still true?

no it isnt.
not by the terms of their passive.

dont fight me here hja. the wording and specificities of mechanics in setups like this is literally my territory