[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Ok tbf Vul/Arete/Max makes sense. There is just no 4th that makes sense. So maybe the 4th is NK

Oh gee, you and your scumbuddy have a lot in common
Calling yourselves ICs when youā€™re actually not

how am I not IC

We had 2 night kills N1, so itā€™s possible

Not doubting you, but when did that happen?

We can lynch Maxwell/Vul-if-alive tomorrow if you want, I just need to live until D4 and the rest of you need to not visit me

My PoE

when I posted

Iā€™m Mech conftown.

Hja just says that in a lot of games. Iā€™ve never been in a scum game with her but sheā€™s said it in several games as town


Alright, Hja is town.

Thereā€™s a part of me that lowkey thinks some hosts just forceroll her as town, with how rarely she gets scum

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Because youā€™re Hja, therefore you canā€™t be an IC

Squid has been acting pretty good tbh

they see me rolling scum and reroll my slot cuz all setups are too townsided otherwise

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Uhh? Did she? Does she has not likeā€¦ null reads but scumreads on me and Hja?
Well okay, if you say so

its the opposite

And did she not completely ignore the Vul/Isaac situation? WHILE POSTING on the same time?

Maybe itā€™s because my null reads arenā€™t as important as my scumreads :thinking:

I honestly just throw ideas out and see what sticks. I donā€™t know what I was thinking when I thought you were scum


Priestess } ok yes this is where Iā€™m having difficulty. Priestess please tell me who the scum is from this list
