[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

@Teleology remember my read on Solic on SFoL 53? Where it was CLEAR ALL THE TIME for me that he was evil? Same here with Squid. I’m really sure. Idk what you have on proof, but consider them to be at least possible evil.

what if ur nk

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Your Majesty, may I humbly request that you instruct Sir Isaac to refrain from visiting my quarters tonight?


its not me its memes

Okay that seems likely at this point tbh

Can we just lynch Isaac

Is that an option

No. Never.

memes tho

Isaac, can you meme at someone else tonight please?

He’s threatening to visit me :frowning:

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I mean his ability is actually useless when used on you and I don’t want neuts to absolutely side against us so yeah I’d advise against doing that

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my ability is powerful wdym

You’ll never get something to drink if you hecking visit my Arete - that’s what I swear as a brewer.

you better give me the drink then


im useless so don’t kill me tonight

that should help me survive

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I see. Okay, if you don’t visit Arete, you’ll get your drink (you won’t know before Start of N3 tho)

I thought I was gonna get a drink :frowning:

I’m thirsty!

I’m taking a nap and then driving to work so I will be off for a while unless I come back after my nap


Dw, we have still over a irl day, we’ll figure it out