[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Same energy.

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Alright but I mean Iā€™m pretty sure Insanity is town if Vulgard is scum because they claimed the same class

heck, iā€™ve been owned

Memes aside:

Looking at Squids ISO, she was deadset on Priestess=Scum REALLY early, but also has some pretty towny posts :thinking:

Iā€™m not letting myself do another wallpost yet

My question isā€¦ is this scum TMI, or towny skepticism? :thinking:

youā€™re scum just for quoting that entire block of text you monster


/dayvig Wazza

I agree with this because I regret my decisions to do this and I physically deserve death after that.

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How good is Isaac at FoL?

Not good enough to fake this. Heā€™s pure AF

I have a subtle suspicion this is going to end up horribly but maybe thatā€™s just paranoia

ā€¦youā€™re like, really bad at this.

Anyway, should I vote Vulgard now?

Hja, Isaac and I are all BD.

They canā€™t fake this stuff imo, and Iā€™m BD by association (+ IC).

Okay yolo, we just lynch Vul and see how that goes I guess

why are we yoloing

we have like

so much time left


Can we lynch Squid instead?

You asked for death, you get death.

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Thatā€™s true Iā€™m just tired

/vote Vulgard
your wish is my command :man_shrugging:

Donā€™t vote yet. We have over a day time left.

I donā€™t think Priestess vs Squid is genuine anymore but I canā€™t tell whoā€™s the fake one