[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

I think it’s very obvious if it’s a quote that’s based on what a player said than to a quote like that, all you have to do is open your eyes and look.

kat, i don’t need to be a killer class to stab you

You really want to continue arguing over a warning.

No I’m just really tired and just finding ways to procrastinate on sleep.

HEY. This is a discussion between a mod and a player, not between two players. You can discuss this after the game, okay (in private)? Thank you.

I scrolled real fast through all that spam too

Priestess is Scum, Hja and Wazza are Town Scenario:

  • Wazza is occupied by Hja.
  • Priestess lives and wastes a lynch due to not being IC confirmed.

Hja is Scum, Priestess and Wazza are Town Scenario:

  • Wazza is not occupied, Priestess dies a cold and painful death as wished for.
  • Hja wastes a lynch for us.

Wazza is Scum, Priestess and Hja are Town Scenario:

  • Wazza is occupied, probably not using an ability.
  • No one is lynched.

Priestess and Hja are scum, Wazza is Town Scenario:

  • Wazza kills Priestess, Priestess shows as Scum, what do we do then? Lynch Hja? But a scum just died.
  • We might let Hja get away with it.

Hja and Wazza are scum, Priestess is Town Scenario:

  • Priestess doesn’t die, Hja claims the occ on Wazza.
  • No one is lynched.

Wazza and Priestess are scum, Hja is Town Scenario:

  • Wazza is occupied, probably does nothing anyway.
  • Priestes is lynched thanks to not being revealed as an IC.

All 3 are scum scenario:

  • Well, nothing happens between Wazza and Hja.
  • Priestess is lynched.

All 3 are town scenario:

  • All hell breaks loose.

This is just the tip of the ice berg of what can happen.

I have no idea if what I even said was correct anymore, my head hurts and I’m tired, goodnight y’all.

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I’m a bit cleverer than that.

You wouldn’t be occupied because Hja wouldn’t get the alcohol to occ you. You would successfully shoot scum priestess in this case

Then we lynch Hja?

Well I suppose if Hja is scum then she wouldn’t have the potion to occ you and we couldn’t blame her for that, but it would make her more suspicious

Priestess used her day ability so Hja wouldn’t be able to lie

You wouldn’t be occupied, but that would confirm Priestess and you as scum since there was no potion and you didn’t shoot her like you claimed you would

Wait why would Priestess be lynched here? Nothing would happen, true…

If all of you were town nothing would happen…

Yes it would.

I’m occupied by Hja, Priestess isn’t killed. I’ll most likely die in this scenario.

I’ll most likely die, not Priestess, sorry I’m getting really confused I’m too tired to write posts like this lol.

And Priestess would also die because she can’t be IC.

I don’t think you would die, it would just confirm Priestess and Hja as town

The only problem is if you’re all scum we can’t tell if you’re all scum or all town but I’m pretty sure you can’t all be scum so

well I already know we can’t all be scum :sunglasses:

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Just as a side note: The Creator of Italy’s class Really missed the oppertunity to call the Unseen convert the Aristocat


Still not a cagirl

We know, you’re a catgirl, not a cagirl.

ill take my chances

Nah, I’m forced to kill Priestess now because someone had to be boring.