[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Insanity’s wagon was pure af, at least.

There will be enough people awake to unvote insanity and then plurality lynch him so

i heard squid threaten that i’d be the d3 lynch if i hammered vulgard, when i’m mechanically confirmed and i’m concerned

Dw we have almost 24 hours time

If Vulgard is town Insanity is lockscum because they claimed the same class…

Do we know if classes are unique though :eyes:

I have no idea how it works mechanically
But socially we know that Vulgard is BD

How likely is it that the exact class will be there twice if there’s 500 classes


very very unlikely

but technically not impossible


or 1/250000, you never know

Tele said twice

I think this is actually correct? Two independent events you multiply I think

One class is voted already. So it’s 1/500

It’s either 500x2 or 500 to the 2nd power.

1/500 x 1/500 = 1/250000

that is bd
for all results
this has been established

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Probability to vote this specific class twice: 1/250000
Probability to vote THE SAME class twice: 1/500

we’re discussing chances of it spawning