[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Something really weird happenend mechanically. Don’t ask me what. But town!Vulgard got redchecked by town!Isaac

well how do we know your not just a scum going for a mislynch on insanity

Then you can lynch me if you’re really worried

It’s a terrible idea to lynch a harmless Neut, so no, we’re not doing that second half

Because the Insanity train is pure. The Vulgard train is impure.

im not worried.
i have no reason to suspect you.
at the moment.
i am going through our assumptions

Shrug. If that’s considered angleshooting I’ll shut up about it then :eyes:

Also Insanity confirmed I sent night results to them

are they night results specific to your class and no other?

if you are too lazy to do the work you can go without the information

Like I said
Host answer didn’t say this is TvS. It IS possible that this is a weird interaction.

Hey Luxy, you just need to be first one of the train, right? So you can vote now. Everyone who’s before you can simply /unvote /vote.

it is infinitely easier for you to tell me than for me to slog through like 2000 posts

/vote insanity

i wont unvote unless you tell me

I will kill you at night

/vote Insanity

or you could just tell me these things and we could be on our way

I can confirm that factions are not just based off of titles, but wincons.


I will do that before I go to sleep but I’m here all day and I’m not having my vote used against me

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Not angleshooting, I asked derp about it :eyes: