[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Not against you. With you. I try to make you win.

I have stated these things multiple times go find them

thatā€™s literally what i said i did and i got reed at for angleshooting

what the heck

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If I put my vote on Insanity I guarantee Vulgard wonā€™t unvote just to fuck me over

In my defense I didnā€™t think you were angleshooting


why would i slog through 2000 posts to find them when it is much easier for you to just say it from memory.
no im not going to do that

because I asked him about it instead of trying to read his tone you nut

Itā€™s your only chance, bud.

so did i

you catgirl

Perhaps I worded my post poorly. Whatever, doesnā€™t really matter.

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Fucking hell

I am deranged fan on Insanity. I sent insanity k/o results on Priestess. @Simon stop being really fucking lazy and solve for yourself.

Vulgard has already expressed in intention to make me loose.

I am here for the next 9 hours I will vote if I go to sleep and not afterwards.

ā€œreally lazyā€
>2000 posts

I want you to win.
But I really want Scum to be dead
So lets vote Insanity and risk it.

No unvote. It plurality and we can lynch vulgard if he doesnā€™t unvote

But Vulgard isnā€™t scum. Iā€™m not lynching an innocent life if he doesnā€™t bend a knee to you

Vul is thunderdomed with Insanity, if Insanity is town then Vulgard is scum :man_facepalming:

i mean ive said what my terms are.
i get your stance im just not changing mine. im not unvoting today until this is figured out and i am not going through 2000 posts to find it. im already tired and i dont have time tonight or tomorrow morning to do that

We can threaten with it tho