[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

But Isaac/Vulgard is a pure mechanical thunderdome, which makes socially not much sense.
Insanity/Vulgard is a social thunderdome.

Mechanical thunderdome means itā€™s absolutely certain one of them is scum
Meaning if we bounty and lynch one of them, we are guaranteed to lynch a scum today.

Insanity/Vulgard are very, very likely to be a thunderdome, but not absolutely guaranteed to be one. Thatā€™s why I like pursuing Vul/Isaac more.

@Vulgard Would you prefer the court pursued a thunderdome of you and insanity or you and isaac?

Mechanical thunderdome means, there is probably something mechanical going on we donā€™t know about, and they might be both town.

I honestly have no preference between Isaac/Insanity because I think both have to be scum, but there is that 1% that Insanity really is the same class as mine so I guess I would prefer Isaac?

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Nope, absolutely impossible
Vul looked through everything and confirmed that it is impossible for a daycheck to be framed.

Maxwell, who would you like to lynch, and why?

There is no daytime mindwarping, Isaac would be notified about a daytime redirection (since heā€™s an investigative), daytime occupation would prevent him from getting results, and daytime framing does not matter since his ability bypasses framing.

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I would like to bounty and lynch Isaac because it is 100.00% certain that one of Isaac or Vulgard is scum, so if we bounty Isaac, we are guaranteed to get the scum between Isaac and Vulgard.

There is a very small, but nevertheless existent chance that Vulgard and Insanity could be the same class. Therefore, the chance that Vulgard and Insanity are actually a thunderdome is less than 100.00%.

You are wrong tho. We donā€™t lynch Insanity only because of the ā€œclaiming same classā€ thing

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Come to think of it Isaac might also get flip tailored if we lynch him. Or Insanity. :thinking:
Flip tailoring is broken.

And today, who would you prefer to lynch today?

No matter what social evidence you have against Insanity, it doesnā€™t make it absolutely certain he and Vulgard are a thunderdome like Isaac and Vulgard are.

That said, if Isaac is not bountied, Iā€™ll keep my vote on Insanity. Itā€™s a win-win because itā€™s basically guaranteed at this point that either Vulgard is scum, or both Insanity and Isaac are scum.

honestly, has anyone else looked into the day-mindwarping thing?

besides vulgard, that is

If Isaac is bountied, Isaac.
If Isaac is not bountied, Insanity.


Why should Isaac be bountied already??

because itā€™s absolutely guaranteed that he or Vulgard is scum
so if Isaac flipped town, we just lynch Vulgard and wonā€™t have completely wasted the day.

or just lynch vulgard right now and not completely waste this day