[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Is that even how you use that term?

Sigh Priestess using buzzwords as a way to discredit people again

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Thou shant question the Ban Lady I have no clue.


Oh right

Player list + Role count

So the possibilities here are:
3 scum, 1 NK, 3 neuts, and 8 town
4 scum, 3 neuts, 8 town
3 scum, 1 NK, 2 neuts, 9 town
4 scum, 2 neuts, 9 town

Iā€™ll assume Arete and Luxy are honest neutral claims becasue Luxy seems genuine and I donā€™t think I have the brainpower to do math here, I still feel pretty awful

If we do a ML here:

3/4 scum, 0/1 NK 3 neuts, 7 town = 7 town, 7 non town

If Wazza is real and kills a scum tonight after a ML

2/3 scum, 0/1 NK, 3 neuts, 7 town = 7 town, 6 non town

Iā€™ll assume 2 night deaths happens again, though. And I doubt the neutrals will be targetted here, which meansā€¦

2/3 scum, 0/1 NK, 3 neuts, 5 town = 5 town, 6 non town = town are -1 and need neutral votes

But if a potential NK killed a scum instead of town

1 scum, 1 NK, 3 neuts, 6 town = 6 town, 5 non town = town have +1 majority

All in all, this is not looking great, even if a ML today can expose 2 scum it may be too late for the townā€¦ that may be too little too late. Unless a NK exists and kills a scum tonight, BD have pretty good odds of losing majority vote without neutral support.

This is all disregarding potential conversion, as well. If the scum can kill and convert in the same night (Unseen?) thenā€¦ F for town lmao.

Unfortunately with only 1 night of night deaths, we canā€™t really figure out what faction weā€™re againstā€¦ or if an NK even existsā€¦

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If NK exists, they kill scum tonight 100% because they have to. Enough town have died already.

No, Iā€™m not seeing that right now

So weā€™re 4 4 on insanity / vulgard right now. We need b one more vote to assure that insanity is the one that is lynched

Katze are you voting Insanity

Iā€™m waiting for Jake to unvote and revote

Forgot to write about a potential NL, but the same still applies.

Right now BD are kind of betting on Wazza being real or getting a good lynch today

Probably, thatā€™s why I added that last part. Scum need to die if a potential NK wants to win

Havenā€™t decided where my votes going yet.

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What if he doesnā€™t?

Then we need to vote someone other than Insanity or Luxy will lose

Does this mean me getting lynched relies on Jakeā€™s unvote?

why do I have to be at the mercy of Jake.

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Iā€™m all for neutrals as much as the next guy but insanity is the ideal Lynch regardless of whether Luxy wins

If Luxy loses, he has no reason to side with us. In spite, he might side with scum

Just going to do a Priestess here.

@JakeTheWolfie Hey, I know youā€™re town. We all do. Mind unvoting and revoting Insanity real quick so Luxy can achieve his wincon when we lynch Insanity? Then heā€™s going to vote with us and share his checks, because his wincon will be achieved.

Your unvote and revote on Insanity always helps town.

I think there wasnā€™t enough pocketing in my post.

Italy, can you puppet Jake into unvoting and revoting?