[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Guys, please. Calm down a bit. Let’s not be toxic, okay?


maybe it’s intended

Vul I think you should take a break from the thread for a little bit, you’re clearly getting frustrated but it’s not going to help things if we insult each other

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I’m sorry, but I laughed at that one.

because i forgot to break kat’s arms

I didn’t have a better reaction image for what Priestess was saying

but no, she hasn’t been supporting town

she’s not a dumbass I just couldn’t find a better image in 30 seconds


You’re connecting me, Vulgard and Squid when we have no co-ordination.

Me -> Squid - Understandable, I am town-reading them but I’m not going out of my way to defend the hecc out of them.
Me -> Vulgard - I literally just stopped voting them to vote you. I’ve had no co-ordination with them all game.
Squid -> Me - Not understandable, Squid has done nothing for me.
Squid -> Vulgard - I have no idea.
Vulgard -> Me - I see nothing here.
Vulgard -> Squid - I have no idea.

  • End Point:

You’re bad.

saving that one for future use

@katze please, let’s just end this, can you vote? I don’t want to spend a complete evening with facing borderline-toxicity.

i concur

then use no image

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Italy, same for you.


that is not the way of the memelord

also, yeah, can we please vote insanity
shoot me at night if he flips town lol

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  • Point End:

You’re bad.

I still have this one saved.

shoot youre right

Just vote Vulgard, and we’re over this, without fighting.

alternatively: no

Real quick, what is simon?