[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!


you realise thatā€™s not the BD classse chance right, youā€™re a bit of an idiot.

Priestessā€™ outlook is too narrow to consider other scum options than whatever she has made her mind about already.

When itā€™s independent events itā€™s 1/500 * 1/500

well in this hypothetical that thunderdome is incorrect.
thats what i mean
if that thunderdome is wrong, who could it be?

Narrow outlook = agenda = scum

Or bad town but Priestess is not bad town here.

I do rough estimates, canā€™t be bothered for the whole thing

Thank you.

Also, a bit of a math correction.

The chance of getting the exact class roll (assuming that class is 1/500) twice in a row is 1/250000~

The chance of getting it twice in 18 rolls is quite a bit lower.

This also implies that classes may have been rerolled.

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Aka you, youā€™ve been pushing Priestess all game. Thatā€™s why I originally scum read you. You did this to me in LOTRFM

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But thatā€™s true for literally any arbitrary combination of classes

The odds of Italy rolling Noble catgirl and Wazza rolling Priestess of Law are also 1/500*1/500

have you forgotten when I re-evaled on her and called her town
iā€™ve totally been pushing her all game

If we account for the possibility of that but the classes are switched then you multiply by 2

iā€™m being misrepresented by all alignments this game and itā€™s honestly infuriating
just admit that you donā€™t read my posts because nothing will convince you youā€™re fucking wrong

Literallyā€¦ there are so many confirmed BD, there is literally not enough people left for a third 3x or 4x head team

And she re-evaluated you. Your point? My point is that you always try to mislynch LHF that arenā€™t classified as LHF.

like fucking who

the reason i think this thunderdome isnt quite correct
is that theres a good chance that whoever the scum team is, they were able to pull in at least one town to see their side on the issue.
this leaves one scum waiting in the wings, who we are assuming is town/neut

Also youā€™ve never white knighted. Lock scum

well duh
the thunderdome is partial