[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Okay. I’ll be calm.

sad Arete noises


stop insulting people


1/223 is the chances of Vulgard rolling his class.
1/223 is the chances of Insanity rolling his class.

223 x 223 is 49729
1/49729 chances of them both rolling the same class? This is a 0.0023403309227925% chance of happening. That’s basically impossible. But that’s when we can realise…

Yeah, that’s wrong.
If we move to the Birthday Paradox, we can explain everything.

Two people have a 1/223 chance of rolling the same class, then you get to the next step.

With 10 Random People there would be a 10% chance they share the same birthday. The birthday days are 1/365. We have a less percent than that.

With 2 random towns, the chances of 2 people rolling the same class are 0.44%. But we have 10 random towns. So we increase the chances. This leads to the next part, and the shocking part. The chances of 2 people rolling the same class when we have 10 random towns, is actually 81.4%.

Here’s the link for @Italy

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Does anyone want to disprove this in anyway?

This is what I mean. Like even if somehow y’all turn out to be on the same team, how is that their fault that they scum read you when you just insulted people instead of listening to others or trying to have a civil discussion


bye bye scum

/vote Tele

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I just don’t believe that, it makes no sense to me

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I made a mistake lol

the birthday paradox is weird

where’d you get 1/223 from?

I didn’t believe this also.

Because the chances are 18.6%, I forgot to minus it at the end.

But let’s say the 11th random town did roll, we increase the chances even more to 22.2%

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Counted all the Town classes in the GI 2 Thread.

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The amount of town class cards I guess

So thunderdoming Insanity and Vulgard because they have the same class which is a 22.2% chance is the most idiotic thing you can do.

Checkmate Liberals.


/unvote btw memes are fun

80% chance for it not happening isn’t “idiotic” tho

80/20 is good odds generally

but I don’t disagree with the idea


Yes, but thunderdoming because of it?

Most likely 18.6% chance. However, they also differ socially very much. Insanity hasn’t pushed any agenda

I can understand not believing it, but creating a thunderdome over it is illogical.

We can both agree on this then

Being skeptical of it is the smart move