[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Hey guys, the chances of Italy rolling Noble Mason Catgirl are like 1/500, and the chances of Isaac rolling Alice are like 1/500, so the chance of both those things happening is 1/250000 so one of them has to be lying

Okay thatā€™s fair. The Isaac and Vulgard thunder dome then

Iā€™ve been pushing an agenda.

your agenda is cat treats and headpats


/vote Insanity

Wasnā€™t this thunderdome disproven ages ago by someone saying Isaacā€™s class doesnā€™t find scum?

iā€™d suggest you stop while you still have unbroken bones

Insanityā€™s been going UTR by not pushing anyone whatsoever

Yo, to add onto this, Luxy voted before Vulgard.

No, it was confirmed by the Mods that Miraculous is Bd for that check

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It was re-proven upon multiple people asking mods

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What is that

Jake, can we lynch Vulgard instead?

under the radar

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luxy is now first voter on insanity
inb4 dogpile

I hope not unless itā€™s the agenda for BD victory

/vote Insanity

more like plan of action

Youā€™re not going to comment AT ALL on the fact I just disproved everything between the previous thunderdome?

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Do I follow my gut, my brain, or my heart?