[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Oh, but, another newsflash.

You won’t be informed until N3, which is also too late!

I say we vote out Priestess today, if they are Town, so be it, I’m incorrect and I’ll shoot Vulgard.

But I wanted to give the drink to kat…

but kat boolies italy

kat is adult at least and is allowed to drink :stuck_out_tongue:

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No because you’re scum with them

In SFoL 55 everyone sheeped the neuts and BD won

Neuts say vote Insanity


You’re serving up Thot chocolate

I am like locktown

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katze says not

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Neuts say vote insanity because they want another neut to win

Neuts also say don’t visit Arete

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I am 16

PoisonedSquid Civil War
Coming to a theater near you


well… have a nice drink tonight I guess :eyes:

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priestess is now bound by her own rule to vote insanity, life is harsh

W h a t

I thought you were 17 :eyes:

wait, why am i on your side

i will say your profile pictures expression is perfect for this

And, how is that true at all?

And what’s stopping Priestess from being Unseen Convert/Cult Starting who selected it all.