[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Accused Voters Votes
Vulgard H_Hja, Insanity, Isaac, Priestess, Simon 5/8
Insanity Luxy, Vulgard, JakeTheWolfie, Arete 4/8
Priestess PoisonedSquid, WazzaAzza, Italy 3/8

Majority is 8.

Please @ me if a vote is wrong.

This is not angleshooting, if you say someone has left to talk to their scumbuddies, itā€™s not angleshooting as that is an in-game scenario.

Jake is not the first vote on Insanity, Jake is now after Vulgard.

Read from this point.
Maxwell proved himself as town, but I was right with the other two.

Wazza, squid, and maxwell were all Court Spied.

Squid & Maxwell today specifically

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Listen to Teleology

I love how a player townreading someone makes them all scum lmao.

not outside of it

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You keep saying to listen to Teleology.

Players are never always right.

I will say it now. Enough with falling back on tele.
Whenever you want to convince someone, your first thought is ā€œMention teleology, theyā€™re IC king so surely theyā€™ll trust her.ā€ It is only making you look worse.

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Lynching inside of the thunderdome sometimes is a common mistake, after all there are many factors to consider.

  • Factor 1:

Could Isaacā€™s ability have been mindwarped.

And thatā€™s all I can think off right now, you ainā€™t going to bother giving me good answers, Iā€™m not going to bother either.

Again, the thunderdome is a 3v3. Youā€™re in it now. Welcome to the SvT showdown of ultimate destiny

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Youā€™re in the three way thunderdome, baby!

Iā€™ve literally replied to you twice that I unvoted a long time ago.

You donā€™t even know who Iā€™m shooting tonight.

It could literally be a Neutral.

@Maxwell Vote Priestess.

Mindwarp is an immediate frame of oneā€™s target. It used to guarantee results were wrong.
Hell, this is forum. It could do that here. Chances are, no.

Maxwell, help :eyes: