[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

please don’t

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Wazza won’t stop until we end this day

Then vote Insanity with me

If I am wrong about Vulgard being scum I will never play another FoL game again. I will make that wager

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Didn’t you say earl-

Please don’t do that, you’re an alright person that I want to continue playing with.

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ill cya in ur next fol game then they are 100% scum

Don’t punish yourself in that way, please.
Everyone is foolable, believe me.

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guys its fine they are scum anyways

Nah I mean if I’m that bad I deserve it

Hell, I might be wrong about Priestess.
I’m not but, I might be.

I pushed Kyo in Looming Threat

tele said something in deus ex 3 scumchat about it likely being her last FoL game for some reason i forgot

Didn’t Vulgard in a game make every single mistake possible that he could make and still is kicking in the games?

We figured all out. And then we lose because town ignored its IC GK

It’s because I was emotionally stressed, but I’ve been considering quitting for a while. I am just bored and have nothing else to do sometimes

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IC doesn’t mean always correct.

I can agree that IC doesn’t always mean correct

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Are your reads better?