[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

I was that bad once. I played horrifically bad in some of my first games such as Auction Mafia 2 (where I was modkilled) and especially SCP FM, which is a contender for worst individual townie performance in the history of this site.

Improvement always comes with time. Believe me, most everyone has felt this bad about their own play at one time or another.

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Arete in LT

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me in every game

Me during the FoL tournament

Yes. Priestess and Isaac are scum.

Yeah but itā€™s not one of my first games anymore yknow

I seriously hate that my friend started to talk toxic shit about me this game. Idk why I play fol even anymore

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Youā€™re still relatively new.
Iā€™m sure multiple veterans here would be up for giving you some tips and lessons if youā€™d like.

Quality over quantity

its ok ill give you ice cream

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Accurate Image.




Iā€™m allowed to say the truth, Iā€™m not insulting anyone :man_shrugging:


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Eh I donā€™t think improvement is something to be taught. No one plays the same. Itā€™s learned

sometimes being honest isnā€™t the right thing to do

Priestess is scum I wonā€™t be able to kill tonight.
Vulgard/Isaac are scum that I can kill tonight.

Which is better, taking out 2 scum, or taking out 1 scum?

I didnā€™t have a truly great performance until FoL 23, which was over five 1/2 months after I started playing on this site. Sometimes it takes a long time.

Leave me jusr allone please hecking heck

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Iā€™m chilling out in my bomb shelter, the chemicals in the air are gettingā€¦ toxic

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