[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

idk what poisoned’s on about.
but again, did you even read my posts?
i am literally openwolfing

I don’t know who I should fucking side with :frowning:

Oh yeah, asking questions are totally only things sum would ask :eyes:

If you’re openwolfing, then whose side are you on? Ult 2.0 or the NK?

on the one hand i want you to side with us, but on the other hand im pro neuts in, _nd like the idea of neuts siding bd in the end if bd d_dnt screw them

so up to you :man_shrugging:

Yo can I have some?


wincon changed, alignment the same

So you confirm there’s an NK as a member of the groupscum then?

you didn’t uwu or owo in that post /vote maxwell

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What’s your new wincon.


Sure, everyone can eat some of my fucking luncheon

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Bruh, Isaa didn’t die to Wazza’s attak. It’s pretty obvious there’s an NK now


You have to swear in all your posts.

Thank god I didn’t get that.

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rip maxwell /vote arete

/unvote while I decide who to fucking side with


There can’t be an NK


You just fucking noticed?

(Also, it’s 1 in 10, but this way is easier)

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@Arete You can be the hero for town. Scum can win if you do nothing so it doesn’t mean as much if you help them. Waz and I have been two of the strongest proponents for making sure no one ever visited you, and a lot more town have had to never visit you than scum for you to win.**

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