[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

confusion 100 /vote wazza

occams razor says its 20/day tho

/vote waz

OH SHIT!.. This post restrition suks

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I need to say ‘I’ll be back’ on 20, 40, 60, 80, 100

So I’m making it easier by saying it every 20 posts.


Yeah, I feel bad for all of you.


I’m going offline for a while to ensure that I can’t forget to put UwU or OwO in my posts again and lose my vote because of it. We CAN still win the vote today.
@Teleology Force a scum member (@PoisonedSquid, @Simon, or @Emilia) to vote on Isaac.
@Arete Please vote Isaac.
@Luxy Please vote Isaac.
With this plus Waz and I, that is 5 out of 9.


Squid is voting Isaac you diplip


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Plus Tele’s vote adds a vote onto a player. So she’d do it on a person already voting Isaac


Ah cool. Then put that boost on @Wazza or me @Maxwell whose votes are guaranteed to never change, @Teleology. We CAN still clutch this with GK.

I’m out for a while now, perhaps to very close to or past EoD. It is not worth continuing to post when one slip up will cost me my vote and in all likelihood the game.


…It lasts all game. So I don’t want Tele to out who it’s on otherwise they’ll be killed or converted.

Good idea, don’t tell us which it is, @Teleology, just put it on someone who is guaranteed to never change their vote (@Wazza or me @Maxwell). Thank you again.


That actually makes sense, have everyone vote Isaac and then she secretly chooses who to fucking give it to


Watching you swear in every sentence really just makes me laugh and I love it.


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I think I want to townside but I feel like I should let scum make their fucking case

Okay hello everyone it is me

You guys ended day before I returned last time lol


Arete ily and we are best friends and my life is hard

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if you let me live katze wins too
thats my case and these scummers are determined to not openwolf apparently so you may not see much from them

Anyway we should vote Isaac today