[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

It still shows from my experience in most players

Unless theyā€™re firekitten

Meow :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah, Iā€™m pretty sure, having important exams is NAI

I am active in SCP fm if you compare it to my other past town game
Please ignore the fact that I spam there
Point is, you canā€™t rely on meta that much

Thatā€™s expection


I have already said that this only work for today because convert most definitely exist. And even if someone is misclear that will just mean we will need to find scum in the townlist as well, one scum being in towncore doesnā€™t mean everyone in PoE is innocent.

@Boss110 What do you think about this post?

In short, even if someone is misclear it still wonā€™t chance much. The PoE will still work.

How does soul lynch d2 sound

The host just hand us a list of scum yet he shade people in the townlist instead ofā€¦ You know, help us find scum in the PoE and possibly confirm himself

The Tavernkeeper? Do you think Soul would fake a confirmable class?

Itā€™s not really confirmable

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Yes, I know that everyone not in the PoE is not convert immune innocent child but our main goal is to find scum and kill them

(also Soulshade is a really experienced player, so donā€™t mind the fact that he could fake claim everything)

I am afraid the more I talked the more likely scum will kill me tonightā€¦

Shhh donā€™t be afraid. If you die, you die. If I save you, I save you.

Scum panicking in their very first post? Youā€™ve been trying way too hard to discredit Jgoes since he arrived in the thread.
Get outta here.

Priestess does this type of thing as scum. Kill her.

Hi whiteknight?