[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Note to Replacement

My thinking was to claim Alice (3 n0 greenchecks, gets modkilled n1 though) to delay a night of me dying.
I’d much rather have me die and have another BD live (being katze) than katze dying and having me be the Killer’s alignment since that’s blatant gamethrow.
katze can probably get Teleology’s double vote through my ‘greenchecks’
The mommy role is avaliable for you to claim after d1. Remember that katze cannot lie, but you can lie for them. You can have them say that you are in a night chat but not a mommy nightchat.
My plan endgame was to hopefully have groupscum think me and katze were neutrals and then come out with an awesome play of three votes and take them all down with katze’s night ability as well.

Though you don’t have my awesome power of avoiding inevitable lynches, you can probably get by with fake modclearing three people. Right? Well, best of luck anyway.
I fished some people to claim Blue Dragon. You can use detect lies on that as well. If I didn’t fish some other people, you can just ask them it as well. katze may have fished other people as well.
Make sure to communicate with katze or you’ll lose. I guarantee it.

Good luck. And may the odds be ever in your favor.


he posted something in his card that he meant to post in spec chat.

Game was seriously aggro


I don’t mind about replacing out.
I got a trashy class anyway.

I accidently scumslipped when Italy used Court Spies on me, but nobody noticed


Well, compared to the other classes.
The only thing interesting about it was that it was a mason.

Can someone invite me to scum chat + dead chat please?

a lie detecter mason with a neutral.

Kinda cool if you ask me.

solic you can make things public right?

It’s just an alignment cop with a partner, really.

it was a lie detector.

y’all just used it as an alignment cop

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You can’t delay dying that way if any of your greenchecks would be on scum as they would know then. Bit much imo, but I can understand N1 die curse.

No, mods can.

It was just an alignment cop in best case

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My thoughts was that they’d think I was scumsided neutral.

Using it any other way could easily trip on a Blue Dragon lying as well.

I think it could have been used to cooler extents, but they basically made it an alignment cop.

you could have made someone say “I’m ___ and my scum partner is ___”

Lie detector on a host saying that there was a moderror

yeah having the game spoiled that there was an NK with anticlaim was kind of lame

i almost wanted to replace out myself, especially since i hated my role, but i just kept going

kyo ditched me tho :frowning: