[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Hes too powerfull

Well… for the post restrictions…

Do you guys like them? I had fun suggesting every single one of them :slight_smile:

You’re a monster

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Now I know who to direct my anger to

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Cult coulda won dude
I dont know how Insanity managed to get lynched over Isaac for his mistake LOL

MiNe WaS fUkInG fUnNy


Because of Luxy
Hecking Luxy…. GRRRRR

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UwU I hef to spek Laike thE UmU u kno?

Maybe I should have made it more like the Alice UwU one LOL

All you needed was scum pile
Isaac town would actually clear Insanity 90% of the time at that point tbh

I tried to, but nobody would listen >:(
Nobody listens to a squid anyway

Invite me to scumchat please

@katze ask to have our chat publicized

mine was actually pretty easy to get around

also in retrospect i totally broke my pr like 3 times it just wasnt as visible or something

I am upset about isaac basically ruining the game for town tho

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Well that was fun

Next time I will remember to concede d0

personally i feel like its within your rights as host to make sure someone knows what their night results are telling them
you cant advise them on how to act of course, but to just make sure they really know what it says?

Townsided with the insane amount of peeks and autoclears

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Incorrect Simon