[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Was mine post different from Priestess?

Jgoes isnā€™t necessarily BD but youā€™re doing something youā€™ve been doing as scum in the past, and quite blatantly too.

Also it was the THIRD not the first post

I didnā€™t read your post, because I was busy being disgusted by Priestessā€™s shadethrowing and agenda.

Hi narrowminded Vulgard :wave:

The shade is real.
Holy shit.

Yes, narrowminded because Iā€™m scumreading you. What else is new?

The only thing which is new: you are caring for me being scummy :thinking: why is that so

You donā€™t do agenda as town. Ever.
Looming Threat has 0 agenda in your posts.
Right now youā€™ve just been doing agenda all the time, and I can prove it.

Hnggghh, like I said Boss, Iā€™m not the best with reads and it takes a bit to form them. Thereā€™s one thing Iā€™m starting to get a gut feeling on, but other than that, Iā€™m still trying to create more reads

Maybe you donā€™t know my meta. But my meta is: whatever I have done as scum in the last game, I try to do on the same way as town. And the other way around.

Iā€™m not aware tho of ā€œagendaā€, I think this is a blatant misinterpretation of the reality

Hja: Hmmm what do you think of this?
Priestess: sounds scummy
Hja: I think so too
Priestess: yeah, and thatā€™s the reasons why he could be scummy for real

Okay. I will just wait for your answer then, take you time.
I am interested in hearing what you have to say about Priestess ā€œevil schemeā€ or whatever itā€™s call.

So Vulgard, who is evil in your opinion, other than I?

Obviously I need to wait again

Where has she done that before?

Whatā€™s that

Ongoing gameā€¦

But thatā€™s illegal

We canā€™t really speak about, so we shouldnā€™t.