[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

I assume Luxy means I was supposed to say what I wanted to appear as in advance, in case I was correct.

And they know if they guessed correctly and get the buff when the player flips the same as their guess

Getting broken feedback every night and a TI who couldnā€™t read his results correctly won me the game

S m h

we had to interpret a lot of classes that didnā€™t specify much. We decided to tell maxwell if he was right. That was our interpretation. it didnā€™t specifically say if they were told and we decided that they would be told.

we would ask you, but then itā€™d be kinda obvious that there was a mind flayer in game.

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They also nerfed the class from your original submission of it @Luxy
If I correctly guess someone with Mindstorm, I canā€™t guess that person ever again in any future nights.

yeah, it was a nerf/buff based off of interpretation. Yā€™all should expect some slight moderrors in a GI game.

This game was actualy relatively moderror free.

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Kind of necessary if they give it the succesful feedback. :stuck_out_tongue:


If in doubt it has no feedback its limited feedback

yeah we just went for instant because of the special buff(and the fact that he chose a special n1).

I donā€™t think there was much wrong with it, because we did end up making it so that we could not do someone twice(which he was planning to do with arere)

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Still waiting for Isaac reaction

He gave one already in dead chat


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Oh shyt
Oh god
Eye dieded

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Hey but Isaacā€™s cool :slight_smile:

Oh noes

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I can make a Shurian Pathogen PR

That every single post you make must either be full of content judged by the hosts or fluff posting with ā€œ:3ā€, ā€œUwUā€, ā€œCrunching popcornā€, ā€œOwOā€, ā€œLULā€

You darn well know Iā€™d make nothing but fluffposts

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3 pictures as abilities. Dreaming God.

gg @anon97870008 , sorry for killing you in-game

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Yes, Isaac is cool. His mistake could have happened to everyone of us.

Witchhunting is not cool, guys, and everyone, who brought up the fact that he has a punishment history, should be ashamed of themselves.