[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

I’m Mafioso

miller isn’t a class you absolute wAlLnUt

Dayvig me please

I’m happy that days are 48 hours long.

72 is too long for me but I know it’s most popular because long days.

dayvig me first

So you want shorter days

No, dayvig me, senpai Hnggh

Also long days generally help town, but again that’s only generally speaking

so this means?


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Personally, I always felt like days were too long too. Got bored of waiting 3 days for interesting things.


So Soul ignore this post and claim mafia? Look like we found the Mafia

Days are now 90 hours


If I am a wallnut you are peashooter

i’m not saving you from zombies

who did this

I lied


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All I will say is that I did not roll The Italy, and I am angry.

I’m pretty productive most games just normally sleeping when day 1 starts then everyone calls me scum day 2 then I almost get lynched then I worm my way out of it somehow

Have you not followed my meta