[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!


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I think

yeah my b Iā€™ll play better next time gg


Soul is probably town because everyone Iā€™ve ever seen ā€˜scumslipā€™ has been town.

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If Priestess is scum that could confirm the possibility of one more town member though

Yeah. After he dies d2.

Okay, preventing someone from using their day abilities doesnā€™t confirm you as Town. Scum can do that crap too

What if Isaac and Jgoes is scum

Godlike read, Iā€™m so good at this game.

let me fix the read for you

Alright we put Isaac back in the PoE for now

I am so good at this game.
And now iā€™m dead!

Have you not even followed my meta?

Iā€™m scum day 1 and day 2 to everyone then I get almost lynched but then someone is like ā€œwait noā€

then Iā€™m townie for the game.

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youā€™ve played too much danganronpa

You know, it would be nice if people stopped relying on dumbass meta to clear them and started actually trying to play well as both alignments.


I donā€™t remember last town game with you

Experimental FoL: every time you use meta as a defense, you get dayvigged.

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This doesnā€™t make any sense, Jgoes is not even the first player in the list