[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Stealing god’s lunch money :eyes:


$1 for a sandwich, also you’re all broke :upside_down_face:

Okay this is a hellscape.

Screw it.

Soulread Soul town. Isaac/Squid unresolved might contain scum. Wazza I have no idea. Same with Jgoes. Italy town. Hjasik town. Jake wtf no idea. Kyo/Katze/Maxwell/Insanity all town (Kyo is self-resolving lmao). Tele modconfirmed town King unless bastard class.

Arete/Luxy neut claims. Priestess too but it’s iffy.


Possibly Priestess/Arete/Luxy but that’s lower priority except Priestess

…Can these guys start posting? (Wazza/Jgoes/Jake)


Well I’m a meanie and a terrible person so what can I say, ;D back to game!

Jake is likely town. He’s always silent as town.

Give me proof or I’m not considering this.

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Boss = locktown btw

That’s counts as no lunch

Why do people keep forgetting about me

Meta :clap: is :clap: trash :clap:

I find it kinda weird for Jgoes and jake not be active yet, Wazza not being active seems somewhat normal just from previous games.

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Boss hypertown.

Maybe I have my own reasons, then :upside_down_face:

Jake was mostly silent as scum in LT.
Strike two. Your reads are bad. For now.

Meta is the superior way of solving

Jgoes already post, also slank cover

If 3-4 of these are groupscum then I understand why this game has been so ridiculous.

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I mean if your personality is just shady then you’d always get lynched if we weren’t following meta. Gotta acknowledge people that are naturally shady me



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Ayo, that’s me right there. I know how you feel

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