[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Slank? I mean I’ve tried to kick start some things I can’t do everything for you.

I’m going to go into into wall mode after I slept anyway

No, I am saying Jgoes said he will be busy for a while

Slank cover don’t count

oh alright then buddy lets be friends

Now I want to know who you think is naturally shady as a person.

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This was 3h ago

am i mysterious enough yet

And that’s NAI for him. He’s said so numerous times as town.


Sigh, lets bring this thread back to topic.

lets give jgoes a chance.


I think that last time he was busy irl he was town and was actually busy irl. Oh yeah it was LT and I shot him oops

Yeah, I know that. Just replying to Soul that saying Jgoes haven’t post yet is not exactly true

I’m just saying I normally see jake and Jgoes post a lot day 1 (first 24 hours).

LT is a good example of him being busy and town. He was Butler

While wazza posts spontaneously

it’s only been 12 hours (I think) don’t know why I thought it was more close to 20

wazza’s post gun it fires in spurts
if he lockscums you it’s gonna hurt

Lets not talk about people who havent posted yet. Thats speculation.
Lets talk about US