[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!


Are you Superintendent Gary Chalmers?

Messing up the neut count and making us true neutrals look suspicious. Sad times.

Neuts shouldnā€™t care what anyone thinks of them.

It comes naturally players usually tend to have less activity as scum sometimes they have normal activity example would be alice

Priestess if you genuinely are this class, please give me an ability to use.

Why on you
Why not on anyone whoā€™s locktown?

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give me

Thatā€™s only for players who like playing town more than scum.

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If Priestess is scum with this then her scum mate could confirm that the drink was given to them. But then they wouldnā€™t actually be able to occupy someone unless one of the starting scum members had a limited use occupy

I have literally never lowposted as scum

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Welp Iā€™m out of likes

I disagree

not my point

Iā€™m asking for it because my class is extremely underpowered and I want a night ability that actually does something.

I will use my abilities wifom on anyone locktown
So :stuck_out_tongue:

Or maybe Iā€™m wifoming this. :eyes:

pick me or suffer painfulness

oh god this is gonna turn into a wallpost isnt it

YUP IT WAS A WALLPOST. mostly my thoughts on the current gamestate, probably nothing super revolutionary here

Iā€™ll just say that the ā€œPriestess claims neutralā€ meta makes me slightly skeptical of this claim, as it seems like a convenient excuse to keep her around longer when normally she doesnā€™t live too long.

Iā€™m skeptical of every neutral claim, though.

Itā€™s a social game. Expecting the expected isnā€™t going to get you the sick reads.

I will agree here that his reaction seems very towny, however.

Iā€™d say of every neutral claim Iā€™m most skeptical on this one, since it has a hard counter designed against it.

Does this feel genuine? I feel like this is the reaction of ā€œoh, my fakeclaim has a glaring hole in it nowā€ but maybe thatā€™s just confirmation bias.

Boss is the townier of the two in my eyes.

Class card

If Kyo didnā€™t claim Alice with a confirmation that Insanity was town, Iā€™d be willing to say you two are a scumteam. This is probably the neutral I claim I believe most at this moment. Especially since Insanity can confirm it D2

At this moment I canā€™t tell if Vulgard vs Priestess has a scum involved, but Vulgard raises good points on her and I do think we need to keep an eye on her. If we keep her around until D3 sheā€™ll either confirm herself or become a lynch though.

!!! Why would a town mute their scumread?


Youā€™re fineā€¦ me, on the other handā€¦

Reaction test time!

So how did everybody react to this :eyes:

Eh, none of these reactions are bad. Bummer, but expected I suppose.

Oh wait, thereā€™s more!


TLDR: I wrote a wallpost and I hate myself for doing it, and thereā€™s probably no new reads in it. :eyes:

kat you had one job