[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

Either I’m being an idiot here or I’m mis-interpreting things.

Do you mean that I’m following something set and sticking on that target?

Yeah an agenda is like a goal you’re trying to accomplish behind your actions or words

Yeah, like my agenda is to kill all the Blue dragon, i mean what?

Yes, it’s blatantly clear what my agenda was in the dead chat then.

Like if I had a scum mate and I was trying to defend them from being lynched I would say

“Let me look at X’s ISO real quick”
“Ok based on what I found their outlook might not be so bad because of A, Y, and Z”

Then making sure my scum partner survive would be my intention or agenda behind my words

This would never work. Ever.

Especially if you flipped scum and are trying to claim you aren’t scum.

I know just an example lmao

anyways, wazza doesn’t use dark theme so lockscum

luxy you’re next

You mean on google chrome?

There’s a dark mode that isn’t incognito mode on google?

you use gray amber, you must die

@anon97870008 converted me into it. Help me out here me.

scumslip get them!

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take her down

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Been converted for a while.

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thank you for your contribution
kill them both

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I conclude both me and Wazza are evil and should be executed immediately!

(no I don’t really know about Wazza, I have him as slight scumlean)

sell a mechanically confirmed town a drink tonight or receive the stabby