[SFoL 56] Grande Idea V2 Game Thread(4/18) - Day 6: The Mind Flayer, Deranged Fan, and Seymour Skinner have won!

:heart: one of the best converts I ever had

You know what.

That’s not working this way :wink: I’m not confirmed before D3.

I have a very easy way to prove myself.

Get a Neutral to do something to me. It won’t do anything and that’ll be proven

Priestess trying to bus Wazza reeee

No but really, I’m pretty sure Priestess’ scumminess is coming from her town meta in this game

There’s no neuts that have harmful abilities that are outed

i suspect jgoes, luxy, waz and hja
totally not luxy and waz for their page choices

luxy uses full on light theme so he must die

Imagine being a filthy neutral killer and fake claiming Priestess of Law
no, I don’t say that’s for sure. I’m just thinking about possibilities.

kill luxy :rooslam:
katze do your job

I think we have better targets to kill…
but I can’t really defend this neut since it admitted to be a neut who doesn’t care for making reads and just framed me for fun

jgoes almost definitely scum, i can make sure squid is a safe kill

nightkill or daytime lynch?

Oh god, I just switched back to Dark Theme and it hurts my eyes.

This blue, I like it but it doesn’t fit well.


Gay guys are mine

